The IWL has a new intern — get to know her!

katydavisKaty Davis is a junior here at Nichols College, majoring in Business Communications with a minor in Mathematics. She is a tutor on campus as well as a Teacher’s Assistant for first-year PDS. Katy loves Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook because they allow her to keep in touch with everyone and anyone. She is excited to channel this love into her new internship by using social media to help promote events and the Institute for Women’s Leadership in general. She will also be contributing to our blog, doing research on issues of women in leadership, and helping to plan events. Besides staying involved, working, and doing homework, Katy likes to play with her two dogs: Izzy the Pug and Sirius the mutt. She’s pretty obsessed with dogs, and even follows two “dog” accounts on Instagram!

Follow her on Twitter! @KKKKatyyyy

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