The Institute for Women’s Leadership is excited to introduce our 15 Panelists for this year’s Student Panel!
Student panel members are selected via application and volunteer to work many of the IWL events throughout the school year. Being apart of the panel also gives members the ability to turn their creativity and ideas into action. By working with Rachel and Sam, panelists have the ability to create events surrounding issues facing women that they feel are relevant and should be addressed. The IWL offers two trips for panel members to NYC and Boston. This year panel members have the opportunity to visit the United Nations, the Empire State Building, and the opening night of the Massachusetts Conference for Women. Further, our panel members are great resources for other students on campus who may need extra inspiration and motivation to realize their full potential. Through negotiation workshops, mentoring high school students, conversation projects, and other events, our panel members are encouraged to branch out of their comfort zone, embrace who they truly are and be confident in their own skin, in order to form strong connections and networks with current working professionals, as well as to inspire current students.
First off, we have Izzy Portt! Izzy is a freshman at Nichols this year and intends to major in Criminal Justice. Originally from Ontario Canada, she is also a part of the varsity women’s ice hockey team and a member of the Criminal Justice Club. Izzy says she joined the IWL as she feels “it is very important to ensure the continued promotion of equal opportunity for women on campus.” Her goal this year is to positively change campus, with a fresh insight on empowering the community of Nichols women!

Next up, we have senior James Singletary from Marlborough, Massachusetts. James joins the IWL as only the second male panel member since the institutes founding. A well recognized leader on Nichols campus, James is also a member of Men of Distinction, Big Brothers Big Sisters, and the Emerging Leaders Program. As a Criminal Justice and Management and Accounting double major, James currently works as a gang unit investigator for the Worcester County Jail, in addition to his position as a writing fellow and peer tutor for the Academic Resource Center at Nichols. James joined the IWL “to bridge the gap between men’s and women’s issues and become an advocate for equality amongst my peers and genders.” His goal for the year is to inspire students to translate their personal, academic, and professional visions into reality.

Bridget Canavan is a member of the sophomore class, joining Nichols from her hometown of Dudley, Massachusetts. Majoring in International Business with a minor is Communications; Bridget is widely involved across campus. She is a member of the Emerging Leaders Program, Meditation Club, and NicholsReads, as well as the President of the Harry Potter Club and Vice- President of International Business Club. Her favorite quote is “Girls should never be afraid to be smart,” by Emma Watson. Bridget tells that she finds this quote to be important “because when I was younger I played down my intelligence because I was a female and felt like that is how girls were meant to be. As I’ve grown up I’ve realized that was not the case, you shouldn’t be afraid to know things and speak your opinion. From this quote I’ve learned to embrace the fact that I am an intelligent woman and can push myself to my fullest. A goal she has for this school year is to spend more time with her friends.

Next, we have a member of the sophomore class- Sophia Prouty. Sophia joined Nichols from Thompson, Connecticut and currently majors in International Business. A returning panelist, she is also a member of the Emerging Leaders Program and Vice-President of the History Club. Sophia tells that she joined the IWL “so that I could have a voice and easily speak to everybody on campus on issues that women face everyday and how we can fix them. IWL is important for that reason and has many inspiring young women in the program. Her goal is to achieve straight A’s this school year!
A member of the senior class, Marshalee Johnson joins Nichols from Natick, Massachusetts. She is majoring in Management with a minor in International Business. A returning IWL Panelist, Marsha is also the Supervisor for the Admissions Call Center, a member of the Emerging Leaders program, a member of the cheerleading team, and ACC Bison. Marsha says she joined the IWL because she is “eager for change and wanted to be apart of a group of women who had similar interests. Advocacy is a powerful tool and I wanted to be apart of a group that advocates for an issue to be paid attention to as that’s often where change starts. Being a part of the panel I have access and visibility to women who have great ideas of how to go about changing the way women are looked at and treated. I am truly grateful to be given the opportunity of being on the panel for a second year as it has provided me with opportunities to network with other people, mentor and make connections that will not only educate me on women’s rights and issues but will also prepare me to help bring about future change.” One of Marsha’s personal goals for this year is to get our of her comfort zone, focusing on herself and her confidence!

Mercy Jubin is currently a member of the sophomore class majoring in Human Resource Management with a minor is Psychology. Originally from Ghana, Mercy tells a unique story as to why she feels the IWL is empowering. Her favorite quote that embodies why she joined the IWL is “some women fear the fire, some women simply become it.” R.H. Sin. Mercy feels that “we live in a world where confidence is quite low among women. I’ve quickly found out that it’s either you become the fire, or get burned; and so my hope now is to attempt to bring the fire to others in hopes of making other women realize their potential and confidence. Her goal for the school year is to grasp as much knowledge as she can in order to achieve good grades and continue to make more connections on Nichols campus.
Our second freshman to introduce is Alicia Hunks from Georgetown, Ontario. Also a member of the women’s ice hockey team, Alicia plans on majoring in Accelerated Accounting. Alicia tells that she joined the IWL “after seeing all of the important issues that they bring to the table. I wanted to continue to help make a difference and the IWL gives me that opportunity.” One of Alicia’s goals for this school year is to become more confident in her ability to talk in front of groups about issues and topics that she believes to be important!

Next we have Molly Sklarz from Webster, Massachusetts. Molly is a member of the sophomore class and majoring in Hospitality Management. Molly shares that she joined the IWL “because I wanted to be a part of something that spread positivity and the message to be confident in yourself no matter who you are.” One of her goals for this school year is to get back into photography!

A member of the junior class, Sachelle Mercado comes from Worcester, Massachusetts and is currently majoring in General Business. In addition to being a 2018-19 IWL Panelist, Sachelle is also a member of the International Affairs Organization and the Hospitality Club. She shares that she joined the IWL “because I wanted to become a part of something that allowed my opinion to be expressed. Also, because women should be able to stand out positively and not be judged.” A goal of Sachelle’s for this school year is to gain more confidence!
Next to introduce is Lexxus Andrews, a Criminal Justice major and Psychology minor. Lexxus is from Uxbridge, Massachusetts and is heavily involved throughout Nichols campus. In addition to being selected as an IWL Panelist, she is also a member of the women’s volleyball team, the Criminal Justice Club, Student Athlete Advisory Committee, the Big Sister, Little Sister Program, an Orientation Leader, and she volunteers at the Boys and Girls Club coaching volleyball. Lexxus joined IWL “because I believe that women empowerment and us having confidence in ourselves is important for women everywhere. I honestly love IWL and everything the program offers for my experience here at Nichols College. Its gives everyone on this campus a place where they can be themselves, share ideas, and explore ways to be a leader.” Her goal for this school year is to “learn, lead, and succeed in everything that she is involved in.”

Originally from Port-au-Prince, Haiti, our next Panelist is Lynn Thibault. Lynn is currently a junior majoring in Marketing with a minor in Communications. In addition to her role at the IWL, she is also a Student Ambassador in Admissions and a Student Mentor in the NEXT Program. Lynn shares that she joined IWL “because I am passionate about making a difference. I am very well aware of the challenges that women face in business, and the world; and I am interested in finding ways to overcome these obstacles and bridge the gap.” One of her personal goals for this school year is to be more productive both academically and in her extracurricular activities.
A member of the junior class, we are excited to welcome back Megan Nathanson to the IWL Panel! Megan is originally from Scarborough, Maine. In addition the IWL, Megan is also a member of the women’s tennis team, a tutor for the Academic Resource Center, a member of the Sport Management Club and Rock Climbing Club. A major in Sport Management, Megan shares that she strongly believes in the IWL’s message and “loves having a place on campus dedicated to women’s leadership. It is wonderful to be part of such a supportive team of people.” One of her goals for this year is to commit to being herself and to gain confidence in that!

Our third freshman joining the IWL Panel is Emily Tinyszin from Southington, Connecticut! Emily intends to major in Accounting and International Business. She is also a member of the women’s volleyball team, Emerging Leaders Program, the Student Programming Board, and Accounting Club. Emily joined the IWL “because there needs to be a change for women in the workforce and I want to be part of the change the IWL helps create.” Her goal is to become more confident and comfortable with public speaking!

Joining her two teammates from the women’s ice hockey team, our final freshman to introduce is Becca Taylor from Ridgefield, Connecticut. Becca tells that she joined the IWL “because I am passionate about women’s issues and I want to make a difference both inside and outside Nichols. I feel it is important because college students are such an important demographic to educate and empower about gender-related issues.” Becca’s goals for this school year is to become more confident speaking up about political and social issues and to get involved on campus as much as she can!

Our final senior to introduce is Kaylin Goncalves. Kaylin hails from Norwood, Massachusetts and is majoring in International Business. In addition to being a returning member of the IWL Panel, Kaylin also plays on the women’s soccer team and is a member of SAAC, Economics Club, International Business Club, Model UN, and the Honors Program at Nichols. Kaylin explains that she joined the IWL “because I want to be part of the change to a greater movement towards equality and I want to be better educated on the hardships women face globally.” Her goal for this school year is to maintain her GPA, while also getting hands on experience through an internship or job.

Our final returning panelist to introduce is Ana Noyes. Ana is a member of the sophomore class majoring in Human Resource Management with a minor is Psychology. In addition to the IWL Panel, Ana is also a member of the Emerging Leaders Program. Her favorite quote that embodies the goals of the IWL is “Only I can change my life. No one else can do it for me.” –Anon. Ana joined IWL because it “provides me with an outlet to showcase my ideas and creativity. By joining this program, it allows me to help others and change my life for the better. This quote is just an example that only I can make a difference in my life and no one else can. Her goal for this school year is to get ahead on her classes in order to begin her Master’s Program sooner.