IWL Through the Eyes of First-Year Panelists

FullSizeRenderFall Semester 2017 was certainly new for the IWL. A new Director, Programming Coordinator, and Panel braved the New Year. Here, we’ve described the events we held this semester through the eyes of our panelists.

Lean In Circles:

We held four Student Lean In Circles this semester incorporating activities to foster the conversation around our topics. To discuss goal setting as a kickoff to the semester in September, we created corkboards. As a stress relief activity during midterms, we created terrariums in October to remind students stress management is important. In November, we asked our panelists to bring a male friend for a Think-tank Lean In brainstorming how to get males involved in the conversation. To wrap up the semester, we discussed work-life balance, an issue faced by students in the midst of exams, while making ornaments in light of the holiday.

“The activities enable students to engage in the conversations. We aim to pair the activity to further drive the topic. Its improved the participation of students in the monthly gatherings. I look forward to what we come up with for next semester.” –Rachael Fassnacht, Programming Coordinator

Conversation Projects:

We held three conversation projects with guests including an Author and Delegate of several U.S. State Department–led entrepreneurship missions, Social Worker providing court ordered treatment, Manager in the Court System, and an Assistant Director of Culture and Talent.

Jennifer Kushell was very inspiring during her visit at the IWL suite, she herself very welcome and allowed us to pick her brain. We chatted up making it big even if you have nothing, taking care of yourself even if you’re on a constant schedule that does not stop. She made us feel as though with or without a business degree, with or without a relationship and especially without the promised word of the world we can be as successful and happy as the next millionaire women if we just keep rooting for ourselves.” –Patricia Loudior ‘20

Awareness Events:

During the fall semester, two national awareness days occurred which we held events for highlighting the wage gap and demand for equal pay for equal work for Native Pacific and Latina Women.

“The awareness events are meant to provide a consistent presence on campus to touch on important topics.  I want the Nichols community to understand the challenges that women face.  The hope is this information can be a catalyst to change.” –Rachel Ferreira, Director of the Institute for Women’s Leadership

First-Year Student Dinner:

We hosted a get-to-know-you catered dinner for all first year females.

“The First-Year Student Dinner was really my first opportunity to introduce IWL to our incoming female students.  I put pressure on myself to create a presentation that would wow our incoming female students and get them to be excited to be involved.  What ended up happening was that our first year students sat at a table with strong female student leaders on campus and that was where the magic happened.  I am always to amazed the impact our students have on each other and on me.  We talked a lot about the wage gap and the issues that are facing women today.  However, the young women at Nichols didn’t need convincing and many of the first year students in attendance applied to be a part of the panel.  Another great addition were the number of staff and faculty that were in attendance including President Engelkemeyer, coaching staff, advisors, professors, etc.  For first year students to have the opportunity to meet these women was another perfect addition to the night.” –Rachel Ferreira, Director of the Institute for Women’s Leadership

College Connection Mentoring Program Part I:

This was our third-annual College Connection Program in partnership with Barttlet High School. Our panelists spent the day mentoring the high school juniors and seniors on: visioning their future, networking and assertive communication.

“My favorite event would have to be the College Connection Part I. I met a lot of great high school students, and many of them had big aspirations for the future. It was inspiring to hear about their goals and their visions for after graduation. I am excited to see them again in the spring semester” –Megan Nathanson ‘20

“College Connection was important and memorable for me because it involved younger women continuing their education, which is who we all currently are. Considering the fact that I never thought I would even be at college myself, I tend to make sure these girls at least leave with an idea of what they want to be after high school. The girls talked about military life, potential majors and one of them recently just got accepted to Nichols, congratulations to Tiana! I’m glad college connection left a life changing mark on these young girls.” –Patricia Louidor ‘20

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